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5 essential strategies for maximising voice search success

Colin O'Riordan, Senior Digital Strategist
Posted in: Strategy

One of the most transformative digital trends in the past few years has been the rise in voice search.  With more and more users turning to smart speakers, mobile devices and virtual assistants to carry out web searches, businesses need to keep their strategies updated to help ensure strong search performance. According to a report by Juniper Research, it is estimated that by 2025, there will be 8 billion digital voice assistants in use worldwide, a significant increase from 4.2 billion in 2020. Furthermore, Comscore predicts that 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2025.  

It’s fair to say the shift towards voice search is not just a fad or temporary trend. Users are changing how they engage with technology and for businesses, this means carrying out the necessary optimisations to accommodate voice search queries and help attract traffic and engagement. 

To help optimise for voice search, consider the following strategies:


1) Focus on conversational keywords

Voice searches tend to be more conversational than text searches. Users are more likely to ask questions in natural language, such as “What is the closest electrical store nearby?” rather than typing “Electrical store near me.” To capture this traffic, businesses need to consider both long-tail keywords and incorporate the natural language. 

For identifying Long-Tail Keywords, you can use tools like Answer the Public and Google’s Keyword Planner. This will help ensure you are accurately reflecting on how people speak.  

To incorporate natural language, you should consider rewriting existing content and creating new content that features the conversational keywords. The content should sound natural when read back and address the common questions your customers may ask.


2) Optimise for featured snippets

Featured snippets, also referred to as “position zero,” are the brief answers displayed at the top of Google’s search results. These snippets are frequently used as responses for voice search queries. To optimise for featured snippets: 

Structure your content for easy reading – Use bullet points, numbered lists, and tables to break down information into formats that are easily digestible. 

Provide direct answers – Ensure your content provides clear, concise answers to common questions. The more directly you answer a question, the higher your chances of being featured. 


3) Utilise Business Listings and Directories

With users often looking for businesses or services near their physical location, a significant portion of voice searches are local. To enhance your local SEO: 

Claim your business listings – Ensure your business is listed on Google My Business, Yelp, and other local directories. Keep your information accurate and up to date. 

Use location-based keywords – Incorporate local keywords into your web content, such as your city name, neighborhoods, and nearby landmarks. This will help search engines understand the user’s physical location and match them with relevant local searches. 

Maximising the use of these listings can also tie into other systems, some of which have specific voice-related tools. 


4) Leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools

Rather than trying to think of every way someone could ask a question about your brand, utilise NLP tools from search providers like Google and Amazon. These tools can process natural language and sentiment analysis, making it easier for your content to be discovered through various voice queries. 

Nick Dean, Our Head of Mobile & Immersive advises “Using long-tail keywords is a great way to improve voice search; however, it can be a big task to cover all ways a user may express their intent verbally. Maximising the use of these content listings or directories can help hook into the complex sentiment analysis systems that dedicated voice search providers have already created, bringing a positive leap forward in discoverability.” 


 5) Enhance site speed and mobile friendliness

Voice searches are regularly performed on mobile devices, so it’s vital to ensure your website is fast and mobile-friendly. To optimise your site: 

Improve page load times – Search engines often prioritise websites that are fast to load. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix issues that slow down your site. Consider compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimising code to speed up the load time. 

Ensure mobile responsiveness – Another aspect of performance is a responsive design that works well across all devices. Test your site on various mobile devices to ensure a seamless user experience and address any issues. 


The rise in voice search usage is a trend businesses cannot afford to ignore. Implementing these strategies will not only help your search performance but also enhance user satisfaction. As more consumers turn to voice search for their needs and queries, businesses that adapt to meet these demands will see success. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your business thrives in this voice-driven world, contact us today. 

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