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The Power of Omnichannel Marketing: Orchestrating Success Across Multiple Channels

Tricia Cleppe, Senior Digital Strategist
Posted in: Brand, Digital, Innovation, Strategy, User Experience

The way consumers interact with brands has transformed dramatically. Omnichannel marketing has emerged as a crucial strategy that integrates various channels—both online and offline—to create a seamless customer experience. This approach recognizes that customers engage with brands across multiple touchpoints throughout their buying journey, and it’s essential for marketers to orchestrate these interactions effectively. The modern buyer expects it. 

Understanding the Modern Customer Journey 

Modern consumers often navigate their buying process through various platforms, including social media, email, websites, and physical stores. Each channel plays a significant role in influencing their decisions, and a disjointed experience can lead to frustration and lost sales. Omnichannel marketing ensures that every touchpoint is connected, guiding customers smoothly from one interaction to the next. Think about the last time you bought something. Did you just walk into a store and make a purchase? Probably not. Chances are, you bounced around a bit – maybe you saw an ad on Instagram or heard about a product from an influencer, checked out the company’s website, read some reviews, and then finally decided to buy in-store. If this sounds familiar, you have engaged in an omnichannel customer journey.  

B2B businesses are not exempt from this modern customer journey either. A B2B omnichannel customer journey could look something like this: A prospective customer meets a sales associate at a tradeshow and provides their contact information for follow-up on a specific product. Immediately upon sign-up, that prospective customer receives a personalized follow-up email with key messages about the product they are interested in. The sales team is then notified through their CRM system, allowing them to schedule a timely follow-up call. During this call, the sales representative accesses the prospect’s interaction history, including which product pages they’ve viewed on the company website since the tradeshow. This enables a more informed and personalized conversation. If the prospect later visits the company’s social media pages or downloads a whitepaper, these touchpoints are also recorded and used to tailor future interactions, ensuring a cohesive and responsive customer journey across all channels. 

The Profit-Boosting Power of Getting Personal 

Customers love this personalized approach when it’s done right. A study by Epsilon found that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. Furthermore, Accenture reports that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations. These statistics underscore the importance of a well-executed omnichannel strategy that leverages customer data to deliver tailored experiences across all touchpoints. By meeting customers where they are and providing relevant, personalized content each step of the way, brands can significantly enhance engagement and drive conversions. Fifty-two percent of consumers agree that as personalized digital experiences with brands become more personalized, their satisfaction improves, according to Twilio’s ‘The State of Personalization 2021’ report 

It’s our job to make sure that no matter where you interact with a brand – be it social media, email, their website, or a physical store – the experience is smooth and connected. It’s like having a friendly guide who knows exactly where you left off and what you need next.  

To do this job, we have to maintain strong data integrity, develop smart personalization strategies, and proactively anticipate customer needs based on their previous interactions and behaviors. By doing so, we can deliver a tailored experience that resonates with each individual customer, fostering stronger relationships and driving business growth. 

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